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A Teacher's Education, 1968-69


NON-FICTION:  Education History / Memoir / Analysis

ISBN 978-1-4384-5296-8


SILVER MEDALIST - 2014 ForeWord IndieFab Book of the Year Award



The 1968 battle over school decentralization in an obscure Brooklyn district called Ocean Hill-Brownsville ripped apart New York City as nothing has before or since.

-- The New York Times


There have been many books written on the 1968 NYC teacher strike, but Isaacs' well-written, detailed account is by far the best.

-- Clarence Taylor, Civil Rights Historian


The power of the story is that Isaacs offers not just a firsthand account of life inside the classroom walls at JHS 271; he also provides valuable insight for those preparing to teach or currently teaching in urban public schools.

 — Theory, Research, and Action in Urban Education

In 1968, the conflict that erupted over community control of the New York City public schools was centered in the Black and Puerto Rican community of Ocean Hill–Brownsville. It triggered what remains the longest teachers’ strike in US history. That clash, between the city’s communities of color and the white, predominantly Jewish teachers’ union, paralyzed the nation’s largest school system, undermined the city’s economy, and heightened racial tensions, ultimately transforming the national conversation about race relations.

At age twenty-two, when the strike was imminent, Charles S. Isaacs abandoned his full scholarship at a prestigious law school to teach mathematics in Ocean Hill–Brownsville. Despite his Jewish background and pro-union leanings, Isaacs crossed picket lines manned by teachers who looked like him, and took the side of parents and children who did not. He now tells the story of this conflict, not only from inside the experimental, community-controlled Ocean Hill–Brownsville district, its focal point, but from within ground zero itself: Junior High School 271, which became the nation’s most famous, or infamous, public school. Isaacs brings to life the innovative teaching practices that community control made possible, and the relationships that developed in the district among its white teachers and its black and Puerto Rican parents, teachers, and community activists.

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